General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

General Terms and Conditions of „Österreichischer Agrarverlag Druck und Verlags Gesellschaft m.b.H. Nfg. KG“ — hereinafter referred to as „ÖAV“ or „AV-Medien“

Part I) applicable to the business area Print & Digital Subscriptions
To go to „Part II) applicable to the business area Advertising Sales“, click here.

§ 1 Scope of application

  • (1) The fol­lo­wing “Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons for Print & Digi­tal Sub­scrip­ti­ons” (GTC for sub­scrip­ti­ons) app­ly, in the ver­si­on valid on the day of the order, to all cur­rent and future sub­scrip­ti­on con­tracts bet­ween the ÖAV as publisher and media owner of maga­zi­nes and e‑papers (in phy­si­cal or elec­tro­nic form) and the cus­to­mers. By pla­cing an order, the Cus­to­mer agrees to the­se GTC for sub­scrip­ti­ons and is bound by them.
  • (2) Should indi­vi­du­al pro­vi­si­ons of the­se GTC be void in who­le or in part due to man­da­to­ry legal pro­vi­si­ons (in par­ti­cu­lar the pro­vi­si­ons of the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act KSchG), the remai­ning pro­vi­si­ons of the­se GTC remain in force unchanged.
  • (3) All ancil­la­ry agree­ments, amend­ments and addi­ti­ons to con­trac­tu­al agree­ments with the ÖAV must be made in wri­ting in order to be effec­ti­ve, as must any wai­ver thereof.

§ 2 Con­clu­si­on of contract

  • (1) All offers (in bro­chu­res, cata­lo­gues, online shops, on pri­ce lists, web­sites, etc.) are non-bin­ding and are to be unders­tood as an invi­ta­ti­on to cus­to­mers to make an offer them­sel­ves. After pla­cing the order, the cus­to­mer will recei­ve an elec­tro­nic con­fir­ma­ti­on of receipt, which, howe­ver, does not con­sti­tu­te accep­tance of the offer, but mere­ly ser­ves to inform them that their order has been recei­ved by the ÖAV.
  • (2) The offer is accept­ed by the ÖAV eit­her by sen­ding an order con­fir­ma­ti­on (or access data to the app) via mail, fax or e‑mail within 14 days of receipt of the order or direct­ly by sen­ding the orde­red sub­scrip­ti­on (or access data to the app), also within 14 days of receipt of the order at the latest.
  • (3) The ÖAV reser­ves the right to reject an appli­ca­ti­on for sub­scrip­ti­on (order) of a poten­ti­al cus­to­mer wit­hout giving reasons.
  • (4) The ÖAV reser­ves the right to make tech­ni­cal and other chan­ges within the bounds of what is reasonable. The­re is no entit­le­ment to a spe­ci­fic arran­ge­ment or sel­ec­tion of content.

§ 3 Con­trac­tu­al language

The con­trac­tu­al lan­guage used in the con­tent of the con­tract, for all other infor­ma­ti­on, cus­to­mer ser­vice and com­plaint hand­ling is German.

§ 4 Deli­very, sub­scrip­ti­on period

  • (1) In prin­ci­ple, a sub­scrip­ti­on is taken out for the mini­mum sub­scrip­ti­on peri­od sta­ted in the respec­ti­ve offer and the­re­af­ter until it is can­cel­led. For digi­tal sub­scrip­ti­ons, the mini­mum sub­scrip­ti­on peri­od beg­ins with the order. For print sub­scrip­ti­ons, it starts with the first deli­very. Sub­scrip­ti­on cam­paigns with a limi­t­ed peri­od of time (tri­al sub­scrip­ti­ons) end auto­ma­ti­cal­ly after the spe­ci­fied con­tract peri­od, unless other­wi­se sta­ted in the cour­se of the offer.
  • (2) The first deli­very (of print sub­scrip­ti­ons) will take place after receipt of pay­ment on the date spe­ci­fied in the respec­ti­ve order, pro­vi­ded that pay­ment is recei­ved by the ÖAV in good time (10 days befo­re deli­very). When it comes to orders wit­hout a spe­ci­fied deli­very date or when orders are not pla­ced in time, the deli­very will take place as soon as pos­si­ble. Deli­very will be made to the last known address. As for e‑paper/digital sub­scrip­ti­ons, access data will be sent and/or the acti­va­ti­on will take place after the order has been pla­ced. Access data will be sent to the last known e‑mail address. In the event of non-pay­ment of the agreed sub­scrip­ti­on fee within 14 days, or within 6 weeks for cre­dit card pay­ment, sub­scrip­ti­on access will be deac­ti­va­ted and/or deli­very will be inter­rupt­ed until suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of pay­ment. In their own inte­rest, sub­scri­bers must noti­fy the ÖAV imme­dia­te­ly of any chan­ge in their deli­very address (e‑mail or pos­tal address).
  • (3) The pro­vi­si­on of online issues of maga­zi­nes purcha­sed eit­her through in-app purcha­ses or via the ÖAV’s online shop is gene­ral­ly unli­mi­t­ed; refe­rence is made to the limi­ta­ti­ons of lia­bi­li­ty accor­ding to § 9.
  • (4) The deli­very of print maga­zi­nes is free of char­ge. Deli­very defects must be repor­ted immediately.
  • (5) The ÖAV is only lia­ble for non-deli­very, late deli­very or dama­ge to pro­per­ty in the cour­se of deli­very in the event of intent or gross negli­gence. Lia­bi­li­ty is limi­t­ed to Aus­tria. Copies to be deli­ver­ed abroad tra­vel at the subscriber’s risk.
  • (6) In the event of force majeu­re (natu­ral dis­as­ters, strike or lock­out, etc.), sub­scri­bers are not entit­led to deli­very or com­pen­sa­ti­on. The ÖAV reser­ves the right to vol­un­t­a­ri­ly pro­vi­de sub­scri­bers of print sub­scrip­ti­ons with an e‑paper for the peri­od of deli­very hin­dran­ces, if e‑papers are not alre­a­dy part of the sub­scrip­ti­on. The­re is no entit­le­ment to this, however.
  • (7) Agreed inter­rup­ti­ons to sub­scrip­ti­ons are not possible.
  • (8) Sup­ple­ments, inclu­ding adver­ti­sing mate­ri­al, are an inte­gral part of the respec­ti­ve maga­zi­ne and can­not be omit­ted from indi­vi­du­al issues for tech­ni­cal reasons.

§ 5 Sub­scrip­ti­on price

  • (1) In prin­ci­ple, the sub­scrip­ti­on pri­ce for the orde­red sub­scrip­ti­ons is dee­med to be agreed as it appears from the respec­ti­ve offer (in cur­rent bro­chu­res, cata­lo­gues, pri­ce lists, web­sites, online shops, etc.).
  • (2) In the event of a pri­ce adjus­t­ment (reduction/increase) during the con­tract peri­od, the sub­scrip­ti­on pri­ce valid as of the adjus­t­ment is paya­ble as of the next invoicing/payment date. The sub­scrip­ti­on pri­ce is set based on various cos­ts (per­son­nel, assign­ment of rights, raw mate­ri­als, prin­ting, ener­gy, fuel, rent for rooms, etc.), fees and taxes. In the event of chan­ges to the­se com­pon­ents due to objec­tively jus­ti­fied cir­cum­s­tances bey­ond the con­trol of the ÖAV, the ÖAV reser­ves the right to increase or redu­ce the sub­scrip­ti­on fee accor­din­gly. For the peri­od of pay­ment in advan­ce, the sub­scrip­ti­on pri­ce paid is fixed.
  • (3) Unless other­wi­se sta­ted, all pri­ces quo­ted to con­su­mers are gross dai­ly pri­ces inclu­ding value added tax as defi­ned by the law. For entre­pre­neurs, pri­ces are quo­ted as net pri­ces. Ship­ping cos­ts will be announ­ced sepa­ra­te­ly and will be an addi­tio­nal item on the invoice.
  • (4) Should export or import duties beco­me due in the cour­se of ship­ment, they must be bor­ne by the cus­to­mer. Pri­ces for the deli­veries offe­red do not include any cos­ts char­ged by third parties.
  • (5) In the case of sales to cus­to­mers out­side the EU, no tur­no­ver tax is paya­ble. Howe­ver, cus­to­mers must pay any natio­nal import duties. In the case of sales to entre­pre­neurs within the EU, no Aus­tri­an tur­no­ver tax is due upon pro­of of the VAT iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber, but entre­pre­neurs do have to pay the tur­no­ver tax in their home country.

§ 6 Terms of pay­ment, default of payment

  • (1) Invoices will be sent to the last known e‑mail address or pos­tal address in the case of pos­tal deli­very of invoices and, unless other­wi­se agreed, are due imme­dia­te­ly upon receipt of the invoice wit­hout deduc­tions or char­ges. The sub­scri­ber must noti­fy the ÖAV imme­dia­te­ly of any chan­ge in his/her bil­ling address (e‑mail and/or pos­tal address). Any fail­ure to com­mu­ni­ca­te chan­ges in the (elec­tro­nic or pos­tal) deli­very address is at the expen­se of the sub­scri­ber. All risks in con­nec­tion with the sto­rage of elec­tro­nic invoices are bor­ne by the sub­scri­ber. Elec­tro­nic auto­ma­ted repli­es (out of office notes etc.) will not be taken into account by the ÖAV and will not influence the valid delivery.
  • (2) In prin­ci­ple, the sub­scrip­ti­on fee is due in advan­ce. The sub­scri­ber may choo­se bet­ween month­ly, quar­ter­ly, half-year­ly and annu­al pay­ment when pla­cing the order. This choice can be chan­ged by mutu­al agree­ment with the ÖAV at any time after the expiry of the sel­ec­ted pay­ment peri­od. For the peri­od of pay­ment in advan­ce, the sub­scrip­ti­on pri­ce paid is fixed.
  • (3) In the event of late pay­ment, inte­rest on arre­ars amoun­ting to 12% p.a. will be char­ged. In addi­ti­on, the ÖAV reser­ves the right to inter­rupt or dis­con­ti­nue deli­very and/or deac­ti­va­te digi­tal sub­scrip­ti­on access.
  • (4) In the event of a remin­der, a fee of Euro 10.00 (but no more than 10% of the amount owed) will be due for each remin­der. In addi­ti­on, the cos­ts for court and out-of-court debt coll­ec­tion which are neces­sa­ry for the appro­pria­te coll­ec­tion of out­stan­ding amounts, inclu­ding pre-liti­ga­ti­on cos­ts of a lawy­er and/or debt coll­ec­tion agen­cy, have to be paid as well.
  • (5) The pos­si­bi­li­ty of off­set­ting against the sub­scrip­ti­on pri­ce cla­im of the ÖAV is excluded, except in the case of insol­ven­cy of the ÖAV or in the case of claims of the con­su­mer, which are legal­ly rela­ted to the consumer’s lia­bi­li­ty, have been estab­lished by a court or have been reco­g­nis­ed by the ÖAV.
  • (6) The cos­ts to be reim­bur­sed by a con­su­mer for the appro­pria­te coll­ec­tion of out­stan­ding debts or for the remin­der fees may not exceed an amount that is in reasonable in pro­por­ti­on to the out­stan­ding amount owed.

§ 7 Cancellation

  • (1) Sub­scrip­ti­on cam­paigns with a limi­t­ed peri­od of time end auto­ma­ti­cal­ly after the spe­ci­fied con­tract peri­od, unless other­wi­se stated.
  • (2) The unli­mi­t­ed sub­scrip­ti­on may be ter­mi­na­ted in wri­ting by the sub­scri­ber and by the ÖAV sub­ject to an eight-week noti­ce peri­od. If a mini­mum sub­scrip­ti­on peri­od has been agreed, the sub­scri­ber may ter­mi­na­te the sub­scrip­ti­on at the ear­liest at the end of the mini­mum sub­scrip­ti­on peri­od by giving eight weeks‘ noti­ce. In the absence of any other express agree­ment, after the expiry of the mini­mum sub­scrip­ti­on peri­od, noti­ce of ter­mi­na­ti­on may be given in com­pli­ance with the noti­ce peri­od at the end of each fur­ther peri­od cor­re­spon­ding to the dura­ti­on of the ori­gi­nal mini­mum sub­scrip­ti­on peri­od (e.g. mini­mum sub­scrip­ti­on peri­od of 1 year — in the case of con­tin­ued sub­scrip­ti­on, next ter­mi­na­ti­on opti­on after a fur­ther year).
  • (3) The ÖAV is entit­led to ter­mi­na­te the sub­scrip­ti­on with imme­dia­te effect in the event of reasonable cause.
  • (4) If it is sti­pu­la­ted that a free tri­al sub­scrip­ti­on will be con­ver­ted into an unli­mi­t­ed paid sub­scrip­ti­on unless it is can­cel­led in wri­ting in good time, the sub­scri­ber will be infor­med in wri­ting of the con­se­quen­ces of this omis­si­on (as well as of the available opti­on to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on at any time and of the impen­ding expiry of the dead­line) at least two weeks befo­re the expiry of the free tri­al subscription.
  • (5) If the sub­scrip­ti­on con­tract is ter­mi­na­ted by the sub­scri­ber befo­re the expiry of an agreed mini­mum con­tract peri­od (pre­ma­tu­re ter­mi­na­ti­on), the dif­fe­rence will be invoi­ced until the regu­lar end of the sub­scrip­ti­on con­tract in com­pli­ance with the noti­ce peri­ods and/or mini­mum sub­scrip­ti­on period.

§ 8 Right of revo­ca­ti­on — spe­cial pro­vi­si­ons for consumers

  • (1) The fol­lo­wing spe­cial pro­vi­si­ons app­ly exclu­si­ve­ly to con­su­mers within the mea­ning of the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act (“KSchG”). Pur­su­ant to § 11 et seq. of the Fern- und Aus­wärts­ge­schäf­te-Gesetz (FAGG), con­su­mers may revo­ke con­tracts con­cluded at a distance or con­trac­tu­al decla­ra­ti­ons made at a distance within a peri­od of 14 days wit­hout sta­ting reasons, unless the right of revo­ca­ti­on is excluded pur­su­ant to § 18 FAGG.
  • (2) Start of the revo­ca­ti­on period
    in the case of con­tracts for the deli­very of digi­tal con­tent not deli­ver­ed on a phy­si­cal data sto­rage device, on the date of con­clu­si­on of the contract,in the case of con­tracts for the deli­very of goods, on the day on which the con­su­mer or a third par­ty desi­gna­ted by the con­su­mer (other than the car­ri­er) has taken pos­ses­si­on of the goods,in the case of con­tracts for the deli­very of seve­ral goods orde­red as part of a sin­gle order and deli­ver­ed sepa­ra­te­ly, orin the case of con­tracts for the deli­very of goods in seve­ral inst­al­ments or pie­ces, on the day on which the con­su­mer or a third par­ty desi­gna­ted by the con­su­mer (other than the car­ri­er) takes pos­ses­si­on of the last goods delivered/the last instalment,

    in the case of con­tracts for the regu­lar deli­very of goods over a fixed peri­od, on the day on which the con­su­mer or a third par­ty desi­gna­ted by the con­su­mer (other than the car­ri­er) has taken pos­ses­si­on of the goods deli­ver­ed first.

  • (3) If, in the cour­se of orde­ring digi­tal con­tent (digi­tal sub­scrip­ti­on), the con­su­mer has express­ly agreed to the imme­dia­te pro­vi­si­on of the ser­vice (imme­dia­te access after orde­ring), the­re is no lon­ger a right of with­dra­wal due to the pre­ma­tu­re com­mence­ment with the per­for­mance of the contract.
  • (4) In order to exer­cise the right of revo­ca­ti­on, the con­su­mer must inform the ÖAV (1140 Vien­na, Sturz­gas­se 1A, Tel: +43198177100, Fax: +43198177111, E‑mail: by means of a clear decla­ra­ti­on (e.g. a let­ter sent by post, fax or e‑mail) of his/her decis­i­on to revo­ke this con­tract. For this pur­po­se, the con­su­mer may also use the model revo­ca­ti­on form (link to model). It is suf­fi­ci­ent to send the decla­ra­ti­on of revo­ca­ti­on befo­re the end of the revo­ca­ti­on period.
  • (5) Con­se­quen­ces of revocation:If the con­su­mer exer­ci­s­es his/her right of revo­ca­ti­on, the ÖAV must repay all pay­ments recei­ved from the con­su­mer, inclu­ding deli­very cos­ts (with the excep­ti­on of addi­tio­nal cos­ts incur­red becau­se the con­su­mer has cho­sen a type of deli­very other than the che­a­pest stan­dard deli­very offe­red by the ÖAV), wit­hout undue delay and at the latest within 14 days from the day on which the ÖAV recei­ved the noti­fi­ca­ti­on of revo­ca­ti­on of this con­tract or — if this hap­pens later in the case of pay­ment that has not been recal­led — the cor­re­spon­ding pay­ment. For this repay­ment, the ÖAV will use the same method of pay­ment that the con­su­mer sel­ec­ted for the ori­gi­nal tran­sac­tion, unless express­ly agreed other­wi­se with the con­su­mer. In no case will the con­su­mer be char­ged for the repayment.The ÖAV may refu­se repay­ment until it has reco­ver­ed the goods or until the con­su­mer has pro­vi­ded pro­of that he/she has retur­ned the goods, whi­che­ver is the earlier.The con­su­mer must return or hand over the goods to the ÖAV wit­hout undue delay and in any event within 14 days from the day on which the con­su­mer noti­fied the ÖAV of the revo­ca­ti­on of this con­tract. The dead­line is met if the con­su­mer sends the goods befo­re the expiry of the 14-day revo­ca­ti­on peri­od.

    The cos­ts of retur­ning goods will be bor­ne by the consumer.

    The con­su­mer will only have to pay for a reduc­tion in the value of the goods if this reduc­tion in value is the result of an unneces­sa­ry hand­ling of the goods with the aim of che­cking their qua­li­ty, cha­rac­te­ristics and functioning.

§ 9 War­ran­ty and compensation

  • (1) The sta­tu­to­ry war­ran­ty pro­vi­si­ons (24 months from receipt of the goods) app­ly to cus­to­mers who are con­su­mers within the mea­ning of the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act (KSchG). If pos­si­ble, any defects have to be repor­ted upon deli­very or after they beco­me visible.
  • (2) In the event of a jus­ti­fied com­plaint about a defect, the ÖAV may reme­dy the defect eit­her by pro­vi­ding a repla­ce­ment or by pro­vi­ding indi­vi­du­al repla­ce­ment parts or (in the case of publi­ca­ti­ons) repla­ce­ment pages.
  • (3) The cus­to­mer can only demand a refund or pri­ce reduc­tion if an impro­ve­ment is not pos­si­ble at all or not pos­si­ble within a reasonable peri­od of time. In the case of a minor defect, the­re is no entit­le­ment to a refund.
  • (4) The ÖAV is lia­ble for dama­ge to pro­per­ty only in the case of intent and gross negli­gence. In the case of per­so­nal inju­ry, the ÖAV is lia­ble to con­su­mers also for slight negli­gence. Com­pen­sa­ti­on for con­se­quen­ti­al dama­ge and finan­cial loss and for dama­ge ari­sing from third-par­ty claims against the cus­to­mer are excluded. The exis­tence of fault must be pro­ven by the inju­red par­ty, unless it is a busi­ness-to-con­su­mer transaction.
  • (5) The ÖAV accepts no lia­bi­li­ty for the unli­mi­t­ed retrie­va­bi­li­ty of con­tent, for errors, delays or inter­rup­ti­ons in data trans­mis­si­on, loss or dele­ti­on, viru­s­es, misu­se, cor­rect­ness or com­ple­ten­ess of data or kee­ping data up to date, or for other pos­si­ble dama­ge cau­sed by the use of data or the online ser­vice. In par­ti­cu­lar, no lia­bi­li­ty is assu­med for the avai­la­bi­li­ty of the online con­nec­tion, the acces­si­bi­li­ty of the ser­vers or the com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of the hard­ware and soft­ware com­pon­ents used by the sub­scri­bers. For both legal and tech­ni­cal reasons, the retrie­va­bi­li­ty or avai­la­bi­li­ty of indi­vi­du­al artic­les, pho­tos or pages may be limi­t­ed or not possible.
  • (6) The sub­scri­ber is respon­si­ble for the acqui­si­ti­on and/or instal­la­ti­on of the neces­sa­ry hard­ware and soft­ware com­pon­ents as well as a suf­fi­ci­ent inter­net con­nec­tion at his/her own expen­se. The ÖAV is not lia­ble for the qua­li­ty of the con­nec­tion of your device to the inter­net as well as any roa­ming char­ges for inter­net con­nec­tions abroad.
  • (8) If regis­tra­ti­on on a third-par­ty plat­form (e.g. Goog­le Play Store, Apple iTu­nes) is requi­red to recei­ve and use the sub­scrip­ti­on, the sup­ple­men­ta­ry terms of use of the respec­ti­ve third-par­ty pro­vi­der apply.
  • (9) The ÖAV reser­ves the right to rest­rict, expand or ter­mi­na­te the use of the online por­tal in who­le or in part. This appli­es in par­ti­cu­lar to free ser­vices and offers, inclu­ding the area requi­ring regis­tra­ti­on. In the event of com­ple­te dis­con­ti­nua­tion of the online ser­vice, the­re will be a pro­por­tio­nal refund of any sub­scrip­ti­on fee alre­a­dy paid.
  • (10) The sub­scri­ber must ensu­re that his/her log­in data is pro­tec­ted from unaut­ho­ri­sed access by third par­ties and is lia­ble for all dama­ges cau­sed to the ÖAV in the event of dis­clo­sure, misu­se or loss of the log­in data. The ÖAV will not accept any lia­bi­li­ty resul­ting from such circumstances.
  • (11) Rights exist to all retrie­va­ble con­tent, texts, gra­phics, charts, images and pho­tos, in par­ti­cu­lar copy­right, trade­mark pro­tec­tion and other mate­ri­al pro­per­ty rights. A sub­scrip­ti­on does not entit­le the user to unli­mi­t­ed fur­ther use wit­hout con­side­ra­ti­on of the­se rights.
  • (12) The ÖAV is not lia­ble, to the ext­ent per­mis­si­ble, for any free gifts or sup­ple­ments which come with both digi­tal and ana­lo­gue edi­ti­ons that are part of a sub­scrip­ti­on. In the case of dis­coun­ted sup­ple­ments, the rele­vant GTC app­ly with regard to the respec­ti­ve products.

§ 10 Website

  • (1) The ÖAV is only lia­ble for its own con­tent on the web­sites ope­ra­ted by it. Inso­far as the ÖAV pro­vi­des access to other web­sites via links, it is not respon­si­ble for the third-par­ty con­tent on tho­se web­sites. It does not appro­pria­te exter­nal content.
  • (2) The ÖAV is not respon­si­ble for infor­ma­ti­on stored on behalf of a user and ori­gi­na­ting from the user, unless the user is under the con­trol or super­vi­si­on of the ÖAV.

§ 11 Data protection

  • (1) The employees of the ÖAV are sub­ject to the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty obli­ga­ti­ons of the Data Pro­tec­tion Act.
  • (2) You can find more detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the pro­ces­sing of cus­to­mer data in the cour­se of the sub­scrip­ti­on con­tract in our Pri­va­cy Poli­cy at

§ 12 Place of juris­dic­tion and appli­ca­ble law

  • (1) All agree­ments accor­ding to the­se GTC are exclu­si­ve­ly sub­ject to Aus­tri­an law. If the cus­to­mer is a con­su­mer, the man­da­to­ry pro­vi­si­ons of the law app­ly, in which the con­su­mer usual­ly. Aus­tri­an law appli­es in all other respects.
  • (2) In case of dis­pu­tes, the court with sub­ject-mat­ter juris­dic­tion at the place whe­re the ÖAV has its regis­tered office has the exclu­si­ve juris­dic­tion. If the cus­to­mer is a con­su­mer within the mea­ning of the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act (KSchG), the juris­dic­tion of the court, in who­se dis­trict the customer’s place of resi­dence or habi­tu­al abo­de or place of employ­ment is loca­ted, is con­side­red established.
  • (3) The place of per­for­mance of the con­tract is the regis­tered office of the ÖAV.

Part II) Applicable to the business area Advertising Sales

§ 1 Scope of application

  • (1) The­se Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons for Adver­ti­sing Sales (GTC for Adver­ti­sing) app­ly, in the ver­si­on valid on the day of the order, to all con­cluded legal tran­sac­tions regar­ding the sale of adver­ti­sing mate­ri­als and adver­ti­sing mea­su­res bet­ween the ÖAV as the pro­vi­der and the cus­to­mers. By pla­cing an order, the cus­to­mer agrees to the­se GTC for Adver­ti­sing and is bound by them.
  • (2) Only this Part II (GTC for Adver­ti­sing) and the ÖAV’s pri­ce list app­ly to the­se tran­sac­tions. Devia­ting, con­flic­ting or sup­ple­men­ta­ry GTC, even if known, will not beco­me part of the con­tract, unless the ÖAV express­ly agrees to their vali­di­ty in writing.
  • (3) The­se GTC also app­ly to all future orders of the cus­to­mer, even if their vali­di­ty is not express­ly or tacit­ly agreed again. Cus­to­mers are cli­ents, spon­sors, adver­ti­sers and other con­trac­tu­al partners.

§ 2 Con­clu­si­on of contract

  • (1) All offers of the ÖAV are non-binding.
  • (2) The cus­to­mer must place all orders for the pla­ce­ment of adver­ti­se­ments and other orders (“Orders”) in wri­ting or by e‑mail. The ÖAV must accept orders in wri­ting or by e‑mail. This for­mal requi­re­ment also appli­es to any agree­ment to devia­te from the form sti­pu­la­ted her­ein. The actu­al exe­cu­ti­on of an order is also seen as accep­tance of the order.
  • (3) The ÖAV will only pro­vi­de the ser­vices spe­ci­fied in the order. Addi­tio­nal ser­vices must be agreed on in the form set out in para­graph (2).
  • (4) If agen­ci­es place orders, the con­tract is con­cluded with the respec­ti­ve agen­cy in case of doubt, sub­ject to other writ­ten agree­ments. If ano­ther per­son or com­pa­ny is to beco­me a cli­ent, they must be named by the adver­ti­sing agen­cy. The ÖAV is entit­led to demand pro­of of man­da­te from the adver­ti­sing agencies.
  • (5) Exter­nal pro­duc­tions of a varie­ty of sel­ec­ted part­ners can be published. Befo­re com­mis­sio­ning pro­duc­tions, the cus­to­mer must ensu­re that they come from one of the ÖAV’s part­ners, as the ÖAV does not work with all pro­duc­tion companies.

§ 3 Advertising/Placement of advertisements

  • (1) The ÖAV must place adver­ti­se­ments of the cus­to­mer, which are to be published in a maga­zi­ne or on a plat­form of the ÖAV, in the agreed adver­ti­sing spaces and for the agreed peri­ods of time.
  • (2) “Adver­ti­sing” is to be unders­tood as any form of adver­ti­sing that can be published in a maga­zi­ne or on a plat­form. The customer’s adver­ti­se­ments must com­ply with the appli­ca­ble law and must not offend com­mon decen­cy. The cus­to­mer must ensu­re that the manufacturer’s name is named as requi­red by the law if the adver­ti­se­ment con­ta­ins pho­to­graphs. The ÖAV is entit­led to imme­dia­te­ly dele­te con­tent crea­ted by the con­trac­ting part­ner if it is ille­gal and/or abusive.
  • (3) The cus­to­mer must pro­vi­de the ÖAV with all data and infor­ma­ti­on requi­red for the publi­ca­ti­on of the adver­ti­se­ment in a time­ly man­ner pri­or to the agreed publi­ca­ti­on date.
  • (4) If adjus­t­ments of data and infor­ma­ti­on is neces­sa­ry for the publi­ca­ti­on, the ÖAV may eit­her request the cus­to­mer to do so or make the adjus­t­ments its­elf at the customer’s expense.
  • (5) The cus­to­mer must label an adver­ti­se­ment as such, if label­ling is requi­red by law. In all other cases, the ÖAV is entit­led to label the adver­ti­se­ment, if the ÖAV deems the label­ling neces­sa­ry due to the design of the adver­ti­se­ment or the adver­ti­sing environment.
  • (6) The cus­to­mer must check published adver­ti­se­ments wit­hout delay and report any defects to the ÖAV within the first week of publi­ca­ti­on. Other­wi­se, the ÖAV is released from all obli­ga­ti­ons rela­ti­ve to war­ran­ty and compensation.
  • (7) In the absence of an agree­ment to the con­tra­ry, the ÖAV is free to design the con­tent sur­roun­ding the advertisement.
  • (8) The ÖAV must retain the data and infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded for an adver­ti­se­ment for three months.
  • (9) The ÖAV reser­ves the right to refu­se orders wit­hout giving reasons. In tho­se cases, the cus­to­mer will be noti­fied of this.
  • (10) The cus­to­mer gua­ran­tees that it has fami­lia­ri­zed its­elf with all legal pro­vi­si­ons rele­vant to the publi­ca­ti­on it has com­mis­sio­ned and that the com­mis­sio­ned publi­ca­ti­on does not vio­la­te any of the­se pro­vi­si­ons. In par­ti­cu­lar, the cus­to­mer gua­ran­tees that it has both the rights requi­red for print edi­ti­on publi­ca­ti­on and the rights requi­red for per­ma­nent (unli­mi­t­ed) digi­tal acces­si­bi­li­ty (inclu­ding ePa­per and digi­tal archi­ves). The cus­to­mer com­mits its­elf to ful­ly indem­ni­fy and hold harm­less the publisher as well as its peo­p­le with regard to all claims resul­ting from a publi­ca­ti­on com­mis­sio­ned by the cus­to­mer and with regard to any civil, cri­mi­nal or admi­nis­tra­ti­ve cri­mi­nal claims made against the publisher or its peo­p­le in this respect, as well as to pro­vi­de full satis­fac­tion for any dis­ad­van­ta­ges incurred.

§ 4 Pay­ment and fees

  • (1) The fee is based on the pri­ce list published on the Inter­net at the time the order is pla­ced. The pri­ces sta­ted are net pri­ces exclu­ding sta­tu­to­ry taxes.
  • (2) The fee is due within 14 days from the date of the invoice. After expiry of this peri­od, pay­ment is dee­med to be in arrears.
  • (3) The ÖAV may demand an advan­ce pay­ment or a depo­sit. In this case, the order of the cus­to­mer will not be ful­fil­led until the advan­ce pay­ment or depo­sit has been recei­ved by the ÖAV.
  • (4) In the event of late or defer­red pay­ment, the ÖAV is entit­led to the sta­tu­to­ry inte­rest and debt coll­ec­tion costs.
  • (5) Inde­pendent­ly of the exis­ting agree­ment, the ÖAV may demand full pay­ment of the order in advan­ce if the­re are reasonable doubts about the customer’s sol­ven­cy or if the cus­to­mer other­wi­se defaults on a payment.
  • (6) The invoice may also be sent elec­tro­ni­cal­ly to the e‑mail address pro­vi­ded by the cus­to­mer. In this case, the invoice is dee­med to have been recei­ved upon for­war­ding. By pro­vi­ding his/her e‑mail address, the cus­to­mer express­ly agrees to accept invoices sent elec­tro­ni­cal­ly by the ÖAV.
  • (7) If pay­ment in inst­al­ments is agreed and one inst­al­ment is not paid on time, is not paid at all or not paid in full by the cus­to­mer, this qua­li­fies as “Ter­mins­ver­lust”, which means that the enti­re out­stan­ding amount beco­mes due for payment.

§ 5 Withdrawal

  • (1) The ÖAVA can with­draw from an order pla­ced by a cus­to­mer who is an entre­pre­neur within the mea­ning of § 1 of the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act at any time wit­hout giving reasons within a peri­od of 30 days. In the event of with­dra­wal, the ÖAV must repay any fees alre­a­dy recei­ved. No fur­ther lia­bi­li­ty exists.
  • (2) In all cases, the with­dra­wal must be made in wri­ting or by e‑mail.
  • (3) The con­cluded con­tract remains in force for a reasonable peri­od of time, if its ful­film­ent is pre­ven­ted in who­le or in part by force majeure.

§ 6 Warranty

  • (1) The ÖAV gua­ran­tees that the ser­vices ren­de­red cor­re­spond to the agreed or usual­ly assu­med services.
  • (2) The cus­to­mer must noti­fy the ÖAV of any defects within one week of the ful­film­ent of the order if the cus­to­mer is an entre­pre­neur within the mea­ning of § 1 of the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act (“KSchG”). This dead­line is met if the cus­to­mer sends the noti­fi­ca­ti­on in time.
  • (3) The war­ran­ty peri­od is 6 months if the cus­to­mer is an entre­pre­neur within the mea­ning of § 1 of the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act (“KSchG”).

§ 7 Compensation

For entre­pre­neurs:

  • (1) Due to breach of con­trac­tu­al or pre-con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­ons, in par­ti­cu­lar due to impos­si­bi­li­ty, delay, etc., the ÖAV is only lia­ble for finan­cial los­ses in cases of intent or gross negli­gence. In the event of slight negli­gence, the con­trac­tor is only lia­ble for per­so­nal inju­ry. Lia­bi­li­ty beco­mes sta­tu­te bar­red 6 months after the cus­to­mer has beco­me awa­re of the dama­ge and the par­ty at fault.
  • (2) The cus­to­mer must pro­ve the exis­tence of gross negligence.
  • (3) The con­trac­tor is not lia­ble for indi­rect dama­ge, loss of pro­fit, loss of inte­rest, fail­ure to build up savings, con­se­quen­ti­al and pecu­nia­ry dama­ge, dama­ge ari­sing from third-par­ty claims.
  • (4) The ÖAV is not obli­ged to exami­ne the con­tent of adver­ti­se­ments. The cus­to­mer bears full lia­bi­li­ty for the con­tent. The cus­to­mer will indem­ni­fy the ÖAV against all other damage(s) ari­sing from the ille­gal, abu­si­ve or other­wi­se unlawful con­tent of a published adver­ti­se­ment. In par­ti­cu­lar, this also includes damage(s) resul­ting from the use of incor­rect data and facts or from the vio­la­ti­on of per­so­nal rights, copy­right, data pro­tec­tion or other legal pro­vi­si­ons on the part of the customer.

 For consumers:

  • (5) Due to breach of con­trac­tu­al or pre-con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­ons, in par­ti­cu­lar due to impos­si­bi­li­ty, delay, etc., the ÖAV is only lia­ble for finan­cial los­ses in cases of intent or gross negli­gence and only for los­ses which are fore­seeable at the time of con­clu­si­on of the contract.
  • (6) In the event of slight negli­gence, the con­trac­tor is only lia­ble for per­so­nal inju­ry. Lia­bi­li­ty beco­mes sta­tu­te bar­red 3 years after the cli­ent has beco­me awa­re of the dama­ge and the par­ty at fault.
  • (7) The sta­tu­to­ry limi­ta­ti­on peri­od for claims for dama­ges against the ÖAV is 3 years from know­ledge of the dama­ge and the par­ty at fault.

For entre­pre­neurs and consumers:

  • (8) The ÖAV is not obli­ged to exami­ne the con­tent of adver­ti­se­ments. The cus­to­mer bears full lia­bi­li­ty for the con­tent. The cus­to­mer will indem­ni­fy the ÖAV against all other damage(s) ari­sing from the ille­gal, abu­si­ve or other­wi­se unlawful con­tent of a published adver­ti­se­ment. In par­ti­cu­lar, this also includes damage(s) resul­ting from the use of incor­rect data and facts or from the vio­la­ti­on of per­so­nal rights, copy­right, data pro­tec­tion or other legal pro­vi­si­ons on the part of the customer.
  • (9) The ÖAV is not lia­ble in cases of force majeu­re (e.g. indus­tri­al action, sei­zu­re and other offi­ci­al mea­su­res taken by aut­ho­ri­ties, traf­fic and ope­ra­tio­nal dis­rup­ti­ons and dis­rup­ti­ons within the respon­si­bi­li­ty of third par­ties, net­work ope­ra­tors or ser­vice pro­vi­ders). In par­ti­cu­lar, the ÖAV is not respon­si­ble for ser­vice dis­rup­ti­ons due to force majeu­re, such the fail­ure or over­load of glo­bal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on net­works, power outa­ges or other catastrophe‑, pan­de­mic- or epi­de­mic-rela­ted fail­ures and outages.
  • (10) The ÖAV is not lia­ble for dama­ged or lost data or files.
  • (11) The ÖAV is only lia­ble for its own con­tent published on the web­sites ope­ra­ted by it. The ÖAV is not lia­ble for the con­tent on other web­sites which can be acces­sed from the ÖAV’s web­sites via links. If the ÖAV lear­ns of ille­gal con­tent on a web­site, it will imme­dia­te­ly remo­ve any links to that website.

§ 8 Data protection

Both par­ties must hand­le orders in com­pli­ance with the appli­ca­ble pro­vi­si­ons of data pro­tec­tion law.

§ 9 Offsetting

The cus­to­mer is only entit­led to set-off if and inso­far as his cla­im has been legal­ly estab­lished or express­ly reco­g­nis­ed in wri­ting by the ÖAV.

§ 10 Place of per­for­mance, appli­ca­ble law and place of jurisdiction

  • (1) The place of per­for­mance is the regis­tered office of the ÖAV.
  • (2) Aus­tri­an law appli­es with the excep­ti­on of the UN Con­ven­ti­on on Con­tracts for the Inter­na­tio­nal Sale of Goods.
  • (3) The cus­to­mer and the ÖAV will endea­vour to sett­le any dis­pu­tes ari­sing from the con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship ami­ca­bly. If a dis­pu­te is not sett­led ami­ca­bly, the court with sub­ject-mat­ter juris­dic­tion at the place whe­re the ÖAV has its regis­tered office has the exclu­si­ve juris­dic­tion to deci­de all legal dis­pu­tes ari­sing from the respec­ti­ve contract.

§ 11 Final provisions

  • (1) Should indi­vi­du­al pro­vi­si­ons of the order be void or unen­forceable in who­le or in part, this will not affect the vali­di­ty of the remai­ning pro­vi­si­ons of the order. In such a case, the cus­to­mer and the ÖAV will replace the void or unen­forceable pro­vi­si­on, by mutu­al agree­ment, with a valid or enforceable pro­vi­si­on that is as clo­se to the void or unen­forceable pro­vi­si­on as possible.
  • (2) Should indi­vi­du­al pro­vi­si­ons of the­se GTC be void in who­le or in part due to man­da­to­ry legal pro­vi­si­ons (in par­ti­cu­lar the pro­vi­si­ons of the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act KSchG), the remai­ning pro­vi­si­ons of the­se GTC remain in force unchanged.
  • (3) All ancil­la­ry agree­ments, amend­ments and addi­ti­ons to con­trac­tu­al agree­ments with the ÖAV must be made in wri­ting in order to be effec­ti­ve, as must any wai­ver thereof.

Ver­si­on of July 7th, 2023