Conditions of Participation in Prize Competitions of AV-Medien (Österreichischer Agrarverlag)

1. Eligibility to participate


  1. Any natu­ral, Ger­man-spea­king per­son resi­ding in Aus­tria, Ger­ma­ny and Switz­er­land who has rea­ched the age of 16 at the time of their par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on is entit­led to par­ti­ci­pa­te in pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons orga­nis­ed by the brands and media of AV-Medi­en or “Öster­rei­chi­scher Agrar­ver­lag Druck- und Ver­lags­ge­sell­schaft m.b.H. Nfg. KG” (regis­tered office: Sturz­gas­se 1a, 1140 Vien­na, Austria).
  2. Sweepsta­ke clubs or per­sons who use auto­ma­ted ser­vices to par­ti­ci­pa­te in pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons (bots, scripts) are not eli­gi­ble to participate.
  3. Fur­ther­mo­re, any per­son who per­forms any type of func­tion at or for the orga­nis­er AV-Medi­en is also ineligible.
  4. Every natu­ral per­son may only par­ti­ci­pa­te once in one and the same pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on. If it is estab­lished that a per­son is par­ti­ci­pa­ting in a com­pe­ti­ti­on using seve­ral iden­ti­ties (e.g. seve­ral e‑mail addres­ses), the per­son and all of his/her iden­ti­ties will be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly excluded from the competition.

2. Data Protection and General Terms and Conditions


  1. AV-Medien’s cur­rent data pro­tec­tion poli­cy appli­es to all pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons orga­nis­ed by AV-Medi­en at the time of the start of the com­pe­ti­ti­on. The poli­cy can be acces­sed at any time at:
  2. In the respec­ti­ve pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons, the par­ti­ci­pant will be asked to agree to this data pro­tec­tion poli­cy. Only tho­se who give their con­sent can par­ti­ci­pa­te in pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons orga­nis­ed by AV-Medi­en, as a pro­per car­ry­ing out of a com­pe­ti­ti­on would other­wi­se not be possible.
  3. Pur­po­se of data processing:3.1. The main pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing per­so­nal data in the cour­se of pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons is sub­or­di­na­te to the pro­per car­ry­ing out of pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons. Per­so­nal data need to be reques­ted from par­ti­ci­pan­ts pri­ma­ri­ly when a draw takes place and a win­ner is to be infor­med of his/her pri­ze or when the pri­ze is to be sent to the win­ner. For this pur­po­se, it may also be neces­sa­ry to make requi­red data available to third par­ties (e.g. the spon­sor of the pri­zes). The­se third par­ties will be reques­ted by AV-Medi­en to use the data only for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­se and to dele­te them after­wards. In addi­ti­on, per­so­nal data will be used by AV-Medi­en to inform par­ti­ci­pan­ts about pos­si­ble chan­ges to the cour­se of the respec­ti­ve pri­ze competition.3.2. Per­so­nal data may also be used by the brands and media of AV-Medi­en for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses. This is unders­tood to mean the adver­ti­sing of AV-Medien’s pro­ducts or third-par­ty pro­ducts. This type of adver­ti­sing is gene­ral­ly limi­t­ed to e‑mail mar­ke­ting, but may also go bey­ond it in indi­vi­du­al cases (this will be com­mu­ni­ca­ted sepa­ra­te­ly for each pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on). The par­ti­ci­pant must actively give his/her con­sent to the­se adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses in the respec­ti­ve pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on. If par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on results in regis­tra­ti­on for a news­let­ter, the par­ti­ci­pant will be infor­med of this during regis­tra­ti­on for the pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on or its announce­ment — inclu­ding infor­ma­ti­on on which news­let­ter he/she is regis­tering for and the appro­xi­ma­te con­tent of the news­let­ter. If the par­ti­ci­pant does not con­sent, AV-Medi­en reser­ves the right to exclude him/her from par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on. If con­sent is given, a bar­ter ari­ses bet­ween AV-Medi­en and the par­ti­ci­pant (par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on in return for regis­tra­ti­on for adver­ti­sing mes­sa­ges), which will be com­mu­ni­ca­ted to each par­ti­ci­pant in a man­ner that is cle­ar­ly com­pre­hen­si­ble during regis­tra­ti­on for the com­pe­ti­ti­on or in its announcement.3.3. AV-Medi­en reser­ves the right to publish the names of the par­ti­ci­pan­ts on its own media (print and online, news­let­ter, social media, etc.) depen­ding on the type and loca­ti­on of the pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on. In the inte­rests of data mini­mi­sa­ti­on, only the first name and place of resi­dence of the par­ti­ci­pant will be published. The par­ti­ci­pant may object to this publi­ca­ti­on imme­dia­te­ly in the cour­se of his/her par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and in any case befo­re the clo­sing date for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on. Objec­tions must be sub­mit­ted in wri­ting and usual­ly to the cont­act address sta­ted in the respec­ti­ve pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on. In the event that no cont­act address is pro­vi­ded, objec­tions may also be sent to Par­ti­ci­pan­ts may have to sub­mit pho­tos, vide­os, texts, dra­wings, etc. in order to par­ti­ci­pa­te in cer­tain pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons. By sub­mit­ting them, AV-Medi­en recei­ves, from the sen­der, the right to publish the­se types of con­tent in its own publi­ca­ti­ons for an inde­fi­ni­te peri­od. AV-Medi­en may also use the­se sub­mis­si­ons for com­mer­cial pur­po­ses. Con­tent sub­mit­ted by users may be repro­du­ced, published and edi­ted for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses wit­hout any rest­ric­tions in terms of loca­ti­on and time, free of remu­ne­ra­ti­on and wit­hout naming the respec­ti­ve author.
  4. Data con­trol­ler:
    At AV-Medi­en, the per­son respon­si­ble for hand­ling per­so­nal data is publi­shing direc­tor Win­fried Eberl. For ques­ti­ons and com­plaints, plea­se cont­act
  5. Par­ti­ci­pan­ts‘ rights:
    Every par­ti­ci­pant in com­pe­ti­ti­ons orga­nis­ed by AV-Medi­en has the right to objec­tion to, obtai­ning of infor­ma­ti­on about, dele­ting or cor­rec­tion of data and to lodge a com­plaint with the data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ty. Par­ti­ci­pan­ts also have the right to can­cel their sub­scrip­ti­on to mai­ling lists at any time.
  6. Legal basis:
    The legal basis for car­ry­ing out pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons at AV-Medi­en is Artic­le 6 “Lawful­ness of pro­ces­sing” of the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (GDPR).
  7. Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of AV-Medien:
    For the Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of AV-Medi­en, plea­se go to::

3. General conditions/rules of a prize competition


The gene­ral con­di­ti­ons of any pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on orga­nis­ed by AV-Medi­en are defi­ned in the respec­ti­ve com­pe­ti­ti­on its­elf or in its announce­ment. In order to be able to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on, an eli­gi­ble per­son must obser­ve and com­ply with the respec­ti­ve rules of the game.

4. Start and end of competitions


  1. When­ever a pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on does not start with its announce­ment, the start will be announ­ced direct­ly as part of the com­pe­ti­ti­on its­elf or by means of a sepa­ra­te announcement.
  2. AV-Medi­en will defi­ne the clo­sing date of a pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on in advan­ce during the deve­lo­p­ment pha­se and will com­mu­ni­ca­te it to the par­ti­ci­pan­ts. The clo­sing date can be exten­ded once by AV-Medi­en — pro­vi­ded that cor­re­spon­ding infor­ma­ti­on is pro­vi­ded in the cour­se of the com­pe­ti­ti­on its­elf. A pos­si­ble exten­si­on, inclu­ding the dura­ti­on of the exten­si­on, will be announ­ced at the start of the respec­ti­ve pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on, ther­eby pro­vi­ding the par­ti­ci­pant with a fore­seeable final clo­sing date of the competition.

5. Prizes


The pri­zes of a com­pe­ti­ti­on are pre­sen­ted during the com­pe­ti­ti­on its­elf or in its announce­ment and are pro­vi­ded eit­her by AV-Medi­en its­elf or by part­ners of AV-Medi­en. The win­ner is not entit­led to any exch­an­ge, refund, gua­ran­tee, cash equi­va­lent or other addi­tio­nal ser­vices in con­nec­tion with the pri­ze. Pri­zes are not trans­fera­ble. Only pri­zes sta­ted in the com­pe­ti­ti­on will be raf­f­led. AV-Medi­en express­ly reser­ves the right to replace the respec­ti­ve announ­ced pri­zes with pri­zes of equal or grea­ter value wit­hout giving reasons.

6. Determination of the winners


The winner(s) will be deter­mi­ned after the clo­sing date in a non-public draw wit­hout the pre­sence of a nota­ry. If win­ners are unavailable or can­not be cont­ac­ted within seven days of the first noti­fi­ca­ti­on by AV-Medi­en, ano­ther win­ner will be deter­mi­ned. Win­ners will be cont­ac­ted by per­so­nal mes­sa­ge via email, tele­pho­ne or the respec­ti­ve social media chan­nel (depen­ding on the natu­re and loca­ti­on of the pri­ze competition).

7. Acceptance, rejection and passing on of a prize by AV-Medien


Each par­ti­ci­pant is free to accept a pri­ze. As a rule, AV-Medi­en assu­mes that the win­ner will accept his/her pri­ze. If a pri­ze is not accept­ed, the win­ner must inform AV-Medi­en of this in wri­ting. In that case, the pri­ze will eit­her be award­ed to the posi­ti­ve par­ti­ci­pant direct­ly fol­lo­wing the win­ner or the draw will be repea­ted among the other remai­ning par­ti­ci­pan­ts (depen­ding on the type of the com­pe­ti­ti­on). If a com­pe­ti­ti­on invol­ves seve­ral pri­zes, a par­ti­ci­pant is only entit­led to accept one pri­ze — unless other­wi­se regulated.

8. Possible additional costs that may be associated with a prize


Unless other­wi­se com­mu­ni­ca­ted, AV-Medi­en only raf­f­les the pri­zes lis­ted in the com­pe­ti­ti­on its­elf but not their trans­port and/or any addi­tio­nal ser­vices, resour­ces and/or expen­ses that may be asso­cia­ted with a pri­ze. Pos­si­ble addi­tio­nal cos­ts must be bor­ne by the win­ner, if he/she wis­hes to accept the pri­ze. In the event that the­se cos­ts are bor­ne by AV-Medi­en or a part­ner of AV-Medi­en, this will be com­mu­ni­ca­ted indi­vi­du­al­ly and in advan­ce in the cour­se of the competition.

9. Exclusion of liability


AV-Medi­en exer­ci­s­es the grea­test pos­si­ble care in car­ry­ing out pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons. AV-Medi­en is not lia­ble for any dama­ges in con­nec­tion with the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in a com­pe­ti­ti­on. AV-Medi­en reser­ves the right to with­draw a com­pe­ti­ti­on or make chan­ges to it in the event of unfo­re­seen cir­cum­s­tances bey­ond its reasonable con­trol or for important reasons — wit­hout lia­bi­li­ty to par­ti­ci­pan­ts, win­ners or third parties.
AV-Medi­en accepts no lia­bi­li­ty if the loca­ti­on of a com­pe­ti­ti­on (web­site, social media, etc.) is unavailable or does not func­tion wit­hout pro­blems. AV-Medi­en will at all times attempt to fix tech­ni­cal faults as quick­ly as pos­si­ble (inso­far as this is within its power), but excludes any lia­bi­li­ty for them.

10. Prize competitions on social media or other channels


If a pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­on does not take place on one of AV-Medien’s own plat­forms or chan­nels (e.g. Face­book, Insta­gram, Goog­le, plat­forms of part­ner com­pa­nies, etc.), the exter­nal plat­form has no con­nec­tion with AV-Medi­en — unless other­wi­se com­mu­ni­ca­ted. AV-Medien’s pri­ze com­pe­ti­ti­ons are in no way spon­so­red, sup­port­ed or orga­nis­ed by third-par­ty plat­forms. The exclu­si­ve reci­pi­ent of the data pro­vi­ded by the par­ti­ci­pant is AV-Medien.

Ver­si­on: 28.02.2024